LG Autonomy: HEDA Applauds Supreme Court Ruling, Urges Citizen Accountability

The Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA Resource Centre) has applauded the Supreme Court of Nigeria for its recent landmark judgement asserting the financial autonomy to the 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the country. This decision mandates the Federal Government to directly disburse federal allocations to LGAs, bypassing states governments’ joint accounts.

In a unanimous decision by a seven-member panel of justices of the Court, the Supreme Court barred governors of the 36 states from receiving, withholding, tampering with, or utilizing funds allocated to local governments. This historic ruling marks a significant victory for good governance and the Nigerian people, promising enhanced sustainable and grassroots development.

HEDA’s Chairman, Olanrewaju Suraju hailed the judgement as a triumph for democracy and a crucial step towards improving governance at the local level. He emphasized that local government autonomy in practice is essential for effective resource management and the delivery of services that directly benefit the masses.

“The Supreme Court, as a policy court, has made a decision that is fundamental to rule of law and beneficial for the society. While some may view this as interference in affairs of States, it is, in fact, a necessary intervention to address longstanding issues resource mismanagement, disappearance of local government, absence primary social services (primary health care, education, markets, roads etc) across the country resulting in insecurity, kidnappings, and banditry. Granting autonomy to local governments is the beginning of real solutions,” Suraju stated.

HEDA also commends the Federal Government, through the Attorney-General of the Federation, for instituting the action to strengthen the autonomy of local governments as guaranteed by the Nigerian Constitution. The suit sought to stop Governors from unilaterally dissolving democratically elected local government officials and establishing caretaker committees, actions that violate constitutional provisions.

Suraju stressed that with local governments in control and administration of their funds, there should be better social activities and developments within local communities. He called on state governments to limit their supervision to ensuring accountability and transparency in the utilization of the federal allocations by local government official to prevent misappropriation, corruption, and governance setbacks.

HEDA also urged citizens to take active roles in holding their local government councils accountable. With greater access to resources, it is crucial for communities to demand transparency and good governance, ensuring that funds are used judiciously for their intended purposes.

This judgement represents a significant step towards fostering good governance and accountability at the grassroots level, and HEDA remains committed to supporting these efforts for the benefit of all Nigerians.