
Mobilizing citizens to investigate corruption and demand government action in Nigeria

This report is part of a series of D4A outputs including a scoping report for Nigeria; landscape reviews for Nigeria and Colombia; notes about donor collaboration in Nigeria and Colombia, and GI’s role as a learning partner; pieces drawing lessons from the work in Nigeria (this report) and Colombia, and a note reflecting on the implications of these findings for future donor investments. The report condenses lessons from the D4A initiative in Nigeria, using evidence from a collaboration with the Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) and the Public-Private Development Centre (PPDC) in projects related to the use of data for accountability. HEDA’s project focused on fostering collaboration in carrying out and following through investigations into stolen public wealth and assets, while PPDC’s project focused on improving procurement data publication and use. Both projects were effective, to different extents, in promoting increased data use by target audiences which included government, civil society, and media. Their approaches enabled the use of data by: understanding the interests and needs of their audiences; providing tailored support to existing initiatives; and incentivizing collaboration among different audiences. You can download the full report here: